Unfamiliar Car Noises? Head to Your Garage!
We all dread hearing an unexpected and unfamiliar noise starting when we drive our cars, because it usually mans something’s about to go wrong and car repairs can be an unwelcome expense. Sometimes, though, the problem can be relatively inexpensive to fix and what’s generally true is that the noise – and the underlying fault – is only likely to worsen with time. And that really is when car repairs can break your bank balance! So at the first sign of trouble, it’s usually advisable to get an experienced mechanic to look at the issue as soon as possible. Here are some common car noises and what they might mean.

A Squeaky Clutch
When you let out the clutch, is there a squeak emerging from your car? Clutches can be expensive to replace, and if the noise is accompanied by a different feel, then it’s a good sign that it’s on its way out. Get the problem repaired soon before you find yourself looking at a full replacement.
Floppy Rumbling from Tyres
If you can feel every lump and bump in the road through the steering wheel and wind down your window to hear a rumbling noise as you drive, the problem is probably a flat tyre. Your steering might also feel more woolly than usual. It’s a good indication that you may need a new tyre or even tyre tracking if your wheels are misaligned. Head to a garage before the car becomes too unsafe to drive or you do more lasting damage to the vehicle.
Roaring from the Exhaust
The exhaust system on your vehicle is there to dampen noise, as well as protect you and your passengers from fumes in the car’s cabin. If you hear a roaring noise when driving, then it’s likely there’s a leak or hole somewhere in the pipes. And if there’s a scraping noise, then it’s possible the exhaust has come loose from its fixings and is dragging along the road. Get yourself to a garage that specialises in exhausts to have the car looked over.
Squealing Brakes
Car brakes are one of your prime safety features, so any noise when you apply the brake pedal needs checking out straight away. The squeal could mean worn brake pads, while an ominous rumbling accompanied by vibration in the steering wheel can be caused by warped brake discs. Stay safe by visiting a good car garage as soon as possible, and don’t drive the vehicle in the meantime if you feel the brakes aren’t functioning as they should.
Tapping or Knocking from the Engine
You’ll need engine diagnostics to resolve this one. With regular car servicing, any problems likely to happen can hopefully be spotted in advance, but if you haven’t had your car checked over for a while and start to hear this noise when you drive, it’s always worth having it addressed by an expert mechanic as soon as you can. Engine problems can be very expensive over the longer term if left unaddressed.
Whining When Accelerating
Worn wheel bearings often cause this noise, which gets louder as you speed up. Not only is it extremely annoying, this issue can also affect the car’s handling – you might experience wobble or vibrations in the wheels. Your car could also pull to the side when braking. Time to find a good garage!
If you need assistance from a car garage in Hortonwood in Telford, Archer’s Autos fits the bill. As well as an extensive list of repairs, including car air conditioning fault finding, we are also authorised to carry out MOTs. We keep our car repair prices competitive while providing a top quality service.